ISE has been programming in ABAP for more than 15 years. While ISE has experience in almost all functional areas of SAP, we are extremely strong in the areas of SD, MM, and PP.
ISE’s extensive experience in programming in SAP allows ISE to suggest the best technique to accomplish a programming requirement. Often ISE is able to show the client how to avoid making a programming change by adjusting their configuration. Other times clients have requested an interface and ISE has pointed out that using an IDOC (or vice versa) would be better. Whether you prefer ABAP or Object Oriented ABAP, ISE can deliver in either.
Interfaces and Conversions
Due to our deep experience with BPCS and other ERP packages, ISE is very experienced at creating interfaces between SAP and other packages and converting other packages to SAP. ISE has provided full technical support for 3 complete SAP conversions and go lives and has written dozens of interfaces between SAP and other systems.
The combination of American and Indian development centers allows ISE to provide a very high quality of service, including American staff on site as needed, while charging a very competitive rate of $29 an hour for all SAP services.